Thursday 1 March 2007

And this is what you get

I’m so tired.

This is news.

This is news that I am so tired.

So I’m telling all my friends and relatives and co-workers and maybe this big guy sitting beside me on the bus. I’m telling them online, in-person and I’ll even pass a little note under the table if that is your style. One way or another, the world will be informed. Rain will fall, children will be born, entropy will take its course and you will know that I am tired.

Your problem is that you don’t respond positively to my highly engaging stories, sorry, anecdotes about how last night I was playing a videogame and something happened in it which made me laugh. Almost, it almost made me laugh. Maybe if there had been someone else in the room to hear it, I would have. I have a very charming laugh, you know. I’d compare it to that of a celebrity, but I don’t think we grew up on the same shows.

My problem is that I don’t have any particularly interesting problems.

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Pop culture.

The world’s problems make fine diversion from my own. I know what should be done about all of them. I know I should exercise more. I know what I need to do to improve my life. I know everything, you can just stop telling me please. So here we stand in front of each other. Tell me, if you could hold up a cliché in front of another cliché, would it be like holding a mirror in front of a mirror?

That was profound. I know this because I read it in the lyrics for a song I listened to when I was a teenager. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t hold up under analysis. Nothing much matters, when you shrug at it with the nonchalance that comes from not feeling particularly engaged by the world around you.

I’d like to be more articulate, I really would. I’d like a lot of things.

I can feel it you know, your judgement. I didn’t ask for it and nobody handed you a set of black robes and a gavel. This is who I am and what I do and what I say and what I aspire to and how I go about it. I am entitled.

I don’t like it, but I can’t imagine anything more.

The world is filled with people like me and we shall be accommodated.

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